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This is Axyl Bot

Axyl is the bot of the future

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What is Axyl?

Axyl is the Future

Axyl is a Discord Bot, or application, that is being designed from the ground up to do all the things. We have plans to keep a lot of the bot Open Source, but key features in the bots Security will not be Open Source, be sure to see all of the credits we will give for our SLM, LLM and other models, that will likely be taken from OSSIif you want to lean more we encourage you to join the Discord server using the button below!

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How Do We Plan on Funding Axyl?

This is a good question, currently we will have a gofundme linked below, but we plan on using what is called the Freemium Model, as well as personal funds to support the bot. All Donations are welcome an appreciated.

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rootCORP is the company that was founded on the principle of saving the world, and is giving us their full backing

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Team Lead


AWFixer is a Full time Developer with a dedication to helping the world, team Lead for all Axyl projects he has big plans